I recommend going outside. It will be cold. Start a fire, laugh, fish a little.  If you are lucky you will have some unexpected adventures show up. Bring some friends because an extra set of hands can be helpful.

If the day lays out perfectly you will encounter a few fish.  They will be worth more because they offer a re-connection to something that is still wild and alive.

You may not find any fish to eat your fly.

Oh well, look around, you’ll get it.

Fly fisherman casting to river.
Two people pushing boat into river.
Aerial view of Montana river in winter.
Fisherman in winter fishing near camp fire.
Close-up of fishes face.
Close-up of fishermans eyes.
Close-up of fishes face.
Mountains in Montana.
Close-up of fishes face.
Person in boat casting fishing line.
Close-up of fishes face.
Person rowing fishing boat.
Top down view of camp fire.
Close-up of fishes face.
Panorama of Montana river in winter.
Close-up of fishes face.
Fish being held.